MethaNull at EnInnov 2016: same power, 2% less consumption and CO2, 15% less other pollutants

(conference talk)

The COP21 conference in Paris, December 2015, made decisions about keeping the temperature rise below 2 degrees. This implies more sustainable resources and a rationalisation on our use of conventional energies. One option is better combustion technologies.

In 2012, CBOne announced the start of the programme MethaNull. Based on a flexible on-off pulse combustion technology, simultaneous decrease in consumption and in pollutant emissions should be made possible. We worked on this technology demonstrator intensively 2013-2015 with the support of the AWS / PreSeed grant. Today we are proud to announce: it works!


Laboratory testing showed that at the same fuel consumption, MethaNull technology versus conventional provides the following figures: +2% in outlet temperatures were observed, for -15% NOx and -13% CO emissions. Machine warm-up is accelerated with a 1.1 factor. Operation is extended down to 90% fuel consumption of the conventional lean blow out limit.

More at the EnInnov 2016:

Moosbrugger, V.; Giuliani, F.: MethaNull, ein Programm zur Senkung der Methanemissionen in der Atmosphäre. - in: EnInnov 2016, 14. Symposium Energieinnovation 2016 (2016) Symposium Energieinnovation, TU Graz, Austria (presentation Th. 11.02, 14h30, session B3)