ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Good Vibes Beat Bad Gas

(conference talk, paper GT2015-42377)

10% less fuel consumption versus conventional for the disposal of gases with low heat value. This was the main result of the MethaNull study presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2015! 




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From draft to reality: MethaNullFrom draft to reality: the MethaNull burner

This new combustion process is based on mastering combustion oscillations - and tune them for a positive purpose. It is eligible for reducing the operational costs for gas turbine combustion making use of LHV gases.  

All presented MethaNull technologies are property of CBOne.


Optimisation of support fuel consumption burning low heat value gas using controlled combustion oscillations

F. Giuliani., V. Moosbrugger, M. Stuetz, T. Leitgeb-Simandl. 

Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015. June 15-19, 2015, Montreal, Canada. GT2015-42377 


See also:

Read more about mastering combustion pulsation -> Download

Read more about our key technology -> Calibrated air flow pulsator for flame turbulence control 

                                                      -> Measuring density fluctuations in a flame using laser vibrometry