Joint Forces on Additive Manufacturing of Premium Parts Designed for Extreme Thermal Strains

The Research Center JOANNEUM RESEARCH, the University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM and the Engineering Office specialised in advanced combustion management COMBUSTION BAY ONE join their forces and design the better burner together. CBOne is in charge of the design, FHJ is in charge of the modelling, and JR is in charge of the commissioning using additive manufacturing of metals (PBF / Powder Bed Fusion). To seal this commitment about better burners produced with additive manufacturing (AM), the three parties have signed in October 2017 a common letter of intent.


Picture of the first fire at the CBOne labs using self-designed AM parts

CBOne and JR take part in a pilot study on Additive Manufacturing using Inconel 718 (FFG contract 862837). A common publication with the participation of FHJ is planned 2018.  The figure shown is the first result of this study - shortly said it works and it works well. 

Click “read more” to see the full text of the letter of intent.

Read more: Joint Forces on Additive Manufacturing of Premium Parts Designed for Extreme Thermal Strains

Charlotte For Ever

(Okay– even if this is not exactly the subject -please allow me with this title to pay tribute to Charlotte Gainsbourg :)

We wish to thank the ASME and all of the organisers at the Turbo Expo for the great conference that took place last month in Charlotte, South Carolina. We presented our latest progress on advanced  combustion monitoring and innovative low-emission processes. Charlotte will remain to me one of the greatest editions of the ASME Turbo Expo, competing for the first place in my personal best-of with Barcelona 2006!

Lukas Andracher from FH Joanneum presented the joint works on the project “emotion” (GT2017-63626),
while the author of these lines (Fabrice Giuliani from CBOne) was in charge of the project “MethaNull” (GT2017-64429)

Our presence at this conference was supported by the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) together with the BMVIT (Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology) in the frame of the ”TAKE-OFF” programme (Contract 850470), and by the SFG (Styrian Business Promotion Agency) in the frame of the contract Welt!Markt 1000044931. We would like to pay tribute to all parties.

In this article you find press releases, as well as the links to the article specifics and corresponding slides.



Five Stars

Combustion Bay One is five years old!

CBOne was officially opened on the 27th of March 2012. At that time we were rushing a bit to get the first contract officially signed with the official stamp of an engineering office!

Five years. Fifteen people directly involved. Eleven publications. Twelve presentations in renowned international congresses and conferences. Two proprietary technologies... See all counts for all what can be counted in the detailed section.

Many students. Many slides. Many km. Many many contacts and a happy few… who turned eventually into our dear Clients! The small "r" in cont(r)act is not trivial. A lot of sweat. A lot of humor, sometimes bittersweet, often good. A lot of smiles. A lot of laughs. 

We thank good luck. We appreciate the wide spectrum of things done. 

I rise my glass. Not only to these five years, but also to a bright future. 

To CBOne. To the people who made it. Cheers!

Fabrice Giuliani, CEO

Read more: Five Stars

The air we breathe

A breathtaking picture in the Parisian outskirts during the pollution peak with particulate matter in Dec. 2016

Normally, at this time we publish our Season’s Greetings. However, this December’s headlines are about remarkable pollution peaks observed during week 49 (6-9.12.2016) in Mailand, Brussels, London and Paris. This time, the concentration in particulate matter was alarming. The exceptionally nice weather and its absence of wind just made things worse.

The alert for most large cities in Europe is given when a concentration in particle matter with size smaller than 10 microns (PM10) above 50µg/m3 is achieved. A sub-category of it is the group of particles smaller than 2.5 µg/m3. These are known to deposit in our breathing cavities and organs, and possibly interact with our blood. The WHO recommends a maximum concentration of PM2,5 of 10µg/m3. 

Quoting the European Environment Agency (EEA), "air pollution remains the single largest environmental health hazard in Europe, resulting in a lower quality of life due to illnesses and an estimated 467 000 premature deaths per year".

Roughly one third of these particles come from industrial combustion processes. And this is a figure one can reduce, namely with better combustion. This is what we do at Combustion Bay One.

Support CBOne by helping us to promote and deploy our MethaNull technology. We can bend these numbers. We can breathe a cleaner air. Complete combustion will reduce drastically the production of particulate matter. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More about MethaNull:

Introducing the Band

Articles and contributions 2016-2017 from CBOne will be written by these people.

Please meet Lukas Pfefferkorn, Georg Mader, Gerhard Kraft, Nina Paulitsch, Fabrice and Alexandre Giuliani.