The emootion project at the ASME Turbo Expo 2020

This year's edition marked the TRL4 achievement of the emootion technologies, including our progress in dynamic flow control, and the validation of a combined acoustic-RGB optical probe describing the flame.

Please find the replay of our interventions related to the emootion project at the following links:

F. Giuliani, M. Stuetz, N. Paulitsch, L. Andracher. Progress on forcing pulsation for acoustic, thermoacoustic or flow control purpose in a pressurised vessel by means of a siren. In Proceedings of the ASME 2020 Turbo Expo, Virtual Conference, Sept.21-25 2020. GT2020-16015

L. Andracher, F. Giuliani, N. Paulitsch & V. Moosbrugger. Progress on combined optic-acoustic monitoring of combustion in a gas turbine. Proceedings of the ASME 2020 Turbo Expo, Virtual Conference, Sept.21-25 2020. GT2020-16007. 

We wish hereby to acknowledge the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) and the BMVIT (Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology) for supporting financially the project emootion (FFG / Take Off Call 2016 / contract 861004, 2017-2020).


Dear ASME Turbo-Expo visitors, authors, exhibitors and organisers!

Big Ben Digital: Due to the sanitary situation, this year's conference was changed from the planned event in London in June into a virtual conference. This was a very interesting, and eventually successful experiment! To my opinion, what is conclusive is that there have been moments where I was really "under conferences conditions". Listening to the talk, having ideas and questions popping up, and being given the possibility to exchange with the presenter. It worked.

We wish to thank and greet our colleagues and smile thinking of the moment where we meet again. 
